Using  Alibaba Cloud AICS intelligent control system, combined with the implementation of professional plan, for the cement factory “two grinding burn” core production process optimization control, using the cloud platform to establish production optimization model, and in the local end through the control platform of automatic control, commissioning rate of 100%, the system is stable, the overall energy consumption of 1-2%.

Different from the traditional automatic control, the model can predict the upcoming changes, and then adjust and offset the changes in advance to realize the stable operation of the system.

The system has the ability of multivariable system control and optimization, which can realize the automatic control of the whole factory level, and the operation effect is equivalent to the level of middle and higher operators.

Reduce the labor intensity of operators, so that they put more energy on production optimization (such as optimization of decomposition furnace temperature setting, grinding outlet wind temperature setting value), so as to maintain a higher level of operation, so that the production line is more stable, energy saving.